Tag: churn

Cycles of Life – A Cautionary Tale!

Cycles of Life – A Cautionary Tale!

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” (George Santayana)

Having been around the software world for more than a few years you see the same cycles time and again. That rather old phrase of “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” comes to mind.
Teams grow and shrink and all going well grow again, prepare for it, so you can mange it.

More appropriately this should be called –
Cycles of Life a Software Team – A Cautionary Tale!

Software and the teams around them are on the whole very versatile and nothing is really doomed. It will probably just slow (hugely) you down or cost someone a shed load of cash to sort out 😛

We’re entering a new year, all going well your team is looking forward to growing, so keep the following in mind!
When you know what to look for then hopefully you can do something about it.

Team growth

  • How big is your overall team?
  • How big are the individual teams within the overall team?
  • How quickly has the team grown?
  • How quickly do you want it to grow?

These questions are key to figure out what will happen. The following has happened on more than one occasion and in completely different teams.

How quickly have you grown?

You are an awesome start up, your idea is a massive hit with the investors, it’s time to grow, grow, grow!

Here’s the thing, the software industry has a HUGE staff churn rate. Even the best companies will struggle to keep staff for a long time. You must be prepared for this.

Your team has grown from 10 to 30, maybe even 50+ in a very short period. The buzz around you encourages others to join. Nothing better than a greenfield project to work on.

Here’s the rub, all those new staff will be very likely to leave in very quick succession after 18-30 months, once the first goes. Sure some will stay on longer, but also some of the core team may also leave. Through no fault in the team or the project, but just to go experience something else. This is completely normal in software teams. Especially once a senior long standing member goes – look and plan immediately for other to leave.
There is virtually nothing you can do to stop the flow, just accept it will happen and deal with it.

So what!

I’ve hired before, I can hire again. It’s all fine. It’s just a coupe of people.
If it’s not already clear, the short life span for a developer in one place, means if you hire lots in quick succession, they will leave in the same fashion. Unless you are still actively growing, you’re in for a bump!

It’s the wave effect

This point in time, you are no longer a start up, you no longer have a greenfield project, you no longer have the ability to just hire another dozen developers.
Also notice and look for a bit of a build up, like a wave really. Their is a feeling of general minor grumblings. Nothing major, but then once someone goes, curiosity and a question of ‘is it greener over there’ without something to cancel out these thoughts means that inertia to leaving is broken.

Managers, why?

I have to admit failing to understand this point, but senior management never wish to replace a member of staff leaving right away. They seem to like the thoughts of, well it’s only 1 person out of 40. We’ll make do without them.

Sure enough, the team does, it’s only 1 person. But that wave is building up in the rest of the team. Then the 2nd, 3rd go. By which time those leaving encourage others to go, maybe even taking there mates with them.

Know your market!

Depending on how quickly you can hire. Every market is different and you need to know where you are.

  • Maybe your company is in a software hub of a city and hiring isn’t an issue.
  • Maybe your company is in a software hub, but part of a structure that makes hiring a labourious process
  • Maybe your company is in a remote area as far as getting a pool of developers is concerned

Essentially how quickly can you get people back in that door. Are you ready to take staff out of their day jobs, plough through CV’s, then do a fair amount of hand holding to get the new staff up to speed?

Even in the best situation where your company has a low bureaucratic process for hiring, you develop in a good cultural hub/city and you have the finances to pay a potentially larger staff bill (generally a case of the best way to get a raise is to move on). You will have to take team members of active duty for transitioning in new staff.


  • Plan for people leaving – it will happen.
    If you quickly back fill a space, it will reduce the desire of others to look around. Anything fresh is a good thing, even a new face aids.
  • When you know it will take a 3 month minimum period to hire someone, never leave it for 3 or more people to leave. If you do then then even if you start hiring, those seeds of change will have sunk in already.
    Really if 3 people have left and you’ve not started looking, then you’re guaranteed that others will be on the way out (and in quick succession too, esp if they we’re all hired within a similar time frame).
  • Do not ignore unhappy staff – they’ll just leave quicker.
    You may well, and quite possibly completely disagree with your staff members reasons for being unhappy, but it’s often an open market.
    Do you want them to stay or not? If not, plan for them to go. If they stay, great, if not, then you are ready.
  • Ideally always look to the weaker area in the team. Have a range of CV’s coming in and keep the top ones for reference later. If you have potentials ready to roll, then anything you can do to reduce a gap is crucial.
  • Most importantly it can take a number of months to gain enough domain knowledge. The longer you leave it to re-hire folk,this will increase the risk of crucial knowledge being lost, which will likely lead to a major issue that could be solved quickly, but only if the domain knowledge was retained.


Stop focusing on just the technical. You need to be a team, personally as much as just work colleagues. This is SUPER hard, sometimes you want nothing more than to just do the work and go, but…

  • The grass isn’t always greener on the other side! So keeping your staff happy, when they go, they will spread the good knowledge and practices of your team.
    This can even aid in then getting new staff in, but it can also mean that staff can and will come back! Having been in many different companies, the programming world can feel like small circles at times. Just because someone left doesn’t mean they won’t wish to come back.