Category: AIR

Stop the mobile ActionBar from transitioning

Stop the mobile ActionBar from transitioning

I was creating a mobile AIR app and the app was to have an ActionBar at the top and depending on the view that was about to get pushed I didn’t want the ActionBar to have a transition effect. Sounds like a simple request, nope, no can do…

So after a bit of digging into the various classes ( mainly the ViewTransitionBase ) I came across what needed to be changed 🙂 but its a mx_internal so use the following fix with caution.

All of the various effects check the actionBarTransitionMode while they create the effects.  Its just that the actionBarTransitionMode is always set to ACTION_BAR_MODE_FADE_AND_SLIDE and never changes from that value. What’s more the actionBarTransitionMode is a mx_internal  variable so you can’t just call it yourself when creating a new effect.

So here is the fix.

  1. Extend whatever effect you wish to use. e.g. SlideViewTransition
  2. add the following lines to your extended class import import mx.core.mx_internal; and use namespace mx_internal;
  3. Either inside your constructor set the value (if you don’t wish to change it at runtime) or create a setter to modify the value actionBarTransitionMode
Possible values are (these can be found in the ViewTransitionBase class),

ACTION_BAR_MODE_FADE:String = “fade”;


ACTION_BAR_MODE_NONE:String = “none”;

In my case I set it to ACTION_BAR_MODE_NONE as I didn’t wish to have any transition on the ActionBar.

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IconItemRenderer and LabelItemRenderer, separator lines hardcoded!

IconItemRenderer and LabelItemRenderer, separator lines hardcoded!

Working on a mobile project I needed to create a renderer for a list, so I choose to look at the IconItemRenderer which extends the LabelItemRenderer. These have been optimised for mobile use so it seemed a reasonable place to start. On the whole they seem like good classes to use, but if you’ve ever worked with the Datagrid/DataGridBase in the past you will probably know about the white square which comes about from the hardcoded #FFFFFF values inside the DataGridBase!

Well the IconItemRenderer and LabelItemRenderer have a similar issue. So lets just say you create a list and you wish to skin the list exactly how you like or use it in a tile layout or something other than vertical then you will find some lines above and below your renderers which look out of place. You can’t get rid of them no matter what property styles you set.

The fix is pretty straight forward but why does there have to be some hardcoded values in something that is meant to be very versatile?

So inside the LabelItemRenderer around lines 881 you will see the following. It uses these values to draw separators whether you like it or not.

// separators are a highlight on the top and shadow on the bottom
topSeparatorColor = 0xFFFFFF;
topSeparatorAlpha = .3;
bottomSeparatorColor = 0x000000;
bottomSeparatorAlpha = .3;

So the quickest way of dealing with this is to override the drawBackground function in your own class which is created in LabelItemRenderer. This doesn’t get called from IconItemRenderer so you can quite simple copy the entire function and just remove the separator chunk and do not call super from your function which overrides the drawBackground.

Better still would be to change the hard coded values to styles from a CSS file.

var topSeparatorColor : uint = getStyle( 'topSeparatorColor' );
var topSeparatorAlpha : Number = getStyle( 'topSeparatorAlpha' );
topSeparatorAlpha = isNaN( topSeparatorAlpha ) ? 1 : topSeparatorAlpha;

If you’re setting a Number just remember to check for NaN’s in case you haven’t set a style, uints default to 0 anyway.

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Simple tip #5 Create function to call any function with unknown args

Simple tip #5 Create function to call any function with unknown args

The other day I wanted to create a function in a class that would take a Function as a parameter and an Array of arguments.  Much like callLater() does, but not doing the whole queuing thing until the next frame.

So how do you call a function that may have any number of arguments. Well here is the code and it should speak for itself.

 protected function checkSomethingThenCallOtherFunction(
    method : Function, args : Array = null ) : void
    if( something.length < someMaxLimit )
        method.apply( null, args );
        //do something else

So how easy is that? Pass in the function and an array of arguments, that’s all.

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Exploding pie charts, part 2

Exploding pie charts, part 2

In one of my first blogs I demoed a pie chart that made each of the wedges from the pie explode out the way when its item in the legend was rolled over by the mouse.
The pie chart also had a nice effect when it was shown in that it filled up in a circular manor.

You can check out the app here.

After a comment/question from the previous post asking about something I didn’t explain, I thought that it deservered its own post rather than just an edit of the original.

So the question was how do you get the circular effect, and how do you do ‘(… %)’ in the legend?

The effect

Firstly set up the effect

Then whatever ID you have given your pie series you’d do the following (I called my one ‘seriesOne’)

seriesOne.setStyle('showDataEffect', doughnut);

(I did this set up in the script block on creation complete or show + I nulled the effect/DP’s on hide so that you get the full effect each time)

If you wish to get the full opening of the circle effect then the data must be empty to start with as the effect just changes between the current and the new values.

The second part of the question was to do with the labels on the legend.  This one is all to do with how you set up your dataprovider for the pie chart.

The label

I start of with loading in the data from an XML file (if you use some HTTP tool you should be able to see the data).  It goes something like the following

item 1 37.55
item 2 13.33

As you’ll see from the data there is no ‘%’. So what I do is when I load the data I construct an object VO (value object).

This VO contains the name, item and a label.  The label is just the name + ‘(‘ + value +’%)’.  Then the arrayCollection I use for the dataprovider is just a collection of these object VO’s.

Essentially my VO is this,

var obj : Object =new Object(); = 'item 1';
obj.value = 37.55;
obj.label = + '(' + obj.value +'%)';

The legend looks at the data for the pie chart and sees the label property and uses that as it is.

This may make you ask about the datatip for the actual pie chart as it doesn’t contain the brackets. Well for that I had to implement a dataTipFunction.

This function took the form,

private function returnToolTip(hitData:HitData):String {
    return + ' ' +hitData.item.value + '%';

and you just can set this in the MXML of the pie chart.

Well hopefully thats explained in a reasonable way, I’d love to open the entire source for this but without reworking it (commercial reasons) I can’t.

Check out part one of the blog here.

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Silverlight / AIR / NYT

Silverlight / AIR / NYT

Well this is slightly old news, and a lot of you may well know that the New York Times has released a very good AIR application for reading the news.  You may even recognize it from the demo that was given at Max 2008 (for the International Herald Tribune).

Well what I didn’t know until today was at the same time the NYT have released a Silverlight kit so that developers can build an app using Silverlight and pull in various articles from the NYT.

This just seems like very bad timing and another kick in the teeth for Silverlight (don’t get me wrong I’d like to have as many RIA languages out there to give me a choice depending on the project requirements). So around the same week they release a kit for Silverlight they drop their Silverlight reader in favour of a AIR reader due to issues with Silverlight.

I think we still need to wait a while for Silverlight to mature a bit (which I’m sure it will) before using it fully.  

It would be interesting to find out how many of the major early adaptors of Silverlight are still using it. Every now and then you hear of a major Silverlight project being dropped in favour of flash/AIR.  Am I just not reading the MS blogs which have the opposite (i.e. flash/AIR projects being dropped for Silverlight)?


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